Introducing the Entrepreneurial Spirits Society!

If you are self-employed and tired of struggling to run your business and figuring it all out alone… I want to introduce you to the Entrepreneurial Spirits Society (E.S.S. for short)!

I get REALLY tired of working by myself all the time, and being stuck with my own thoughts.

I’m sure you do too. There’s no one to ask for help, to get feedback from, or even to celebrate my wins with.

I wanted to create a space where we can hang out, talk business, have some laughs, and have a place to go when things are feeling challenging.

While I specialize in web, I am very passionate about entrepreneurship and helping others thrive. 

My goal is to create an affordable library of business resources — paired with a community of cool people who are passionate about what they do.

With your help, I will be constantly adding value to E.S.S., keeping it fresh, and evolving it over time. Jump in and fasten your seatbelt! 😎

E.S.S. is much more than a community—it is a knowledge base and hub for business resources.

Inside the Entrepreneurial Spirits Society, you will find:

  • Canva templates for Statements of Work (SOW’s), proposals, invoices, business plans, and lots more.
  • Notion templates to help you stay organized and prioritize tasks.
  • Links and tutorials on all of the best business software and tools.
  • A place to celebrate your wins during the good times, AND a place to vent or seek advice during the hard times.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit’s Manifesto:

  • 🪄 We are multi-passionate creatures.
  • 🪄 We believe in working smarter, not harder.
  • 🪄 We recognize that we’re a little different than others, but we cherish those differences.
  • 🪄 We don’t take ourselves too seriously, and make time for enjoying life.
  • 🪄 We are united by spirit, driven by purpose.

If this sounds like something you’d benefit from, join us and try it out!

Once you activate your membership, you will get immediate access to all of the goods.

At only $20/month, what have you got to lose?!

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Picture of Rachel Zampino

Rachel Zampino

Website Wizard

Hi! I’m Rachel Zampino, freelance WordPress developer and digital designer. Here to share all of my business and website tips with you.


If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a coffee to show your support — or hire me to build you a website that you’ll be proud to show off!