How to Build a Custom Website Menu Using Elementor

I’m going to show you how I created this simple menu for Reboot. Let’s dive in!

1. Create a new template in Elementor

2. Add a new section and choose your layout

Click the plus (+) icon
Select your number of columns & layout

3. Drag & drop your widgets where you want them

Choose the “Site Logo” and “Nav Menu” widgets.

You can set up your Site Logo within Elementor by clicking the menu option in the very top left and navigating to Site Settings > Site Identity.

4. Set your menu and play with the settings

Make sure to set up your menu in WordPress so that it will show up here. In this case, mine is called “Main Nav”. (You can find yours under Appearance > Menus)

5. Edit your Section settings

Makes sure to adjust the height and width of your menu section.

Click on the 6 dot grid to access your Section’s settings.

*You can adjust these to whatever you want, but these are the exact settings I used for Reboot’s menu.

6. Publish your menu & set Display Settings

Typically, “Include > Entire Site” is what you will need. If there are specific pages you don’t want your menu to show up on, you can select “Exclude” and define those here.

Ta-dah! You’re done! 🎉

If you haven’t already tried Elementor…what are you waiting for?! Click here to check it out.

This post was last updated on July 3, 2024.

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Rachel Zampino

Website Wizard

Hi! I’m Rachel Zampino, freelance WordPress developer and digital designer. Here to share all my web knowledge and tips with you.


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