1. A photo of you in your element 📸
At your desk, sketching, painting a mural; whatever it is you do!
This gives people some context into what you do, and what they can hire you for.
2. An introductory statement 👋
Your name, your title, and what type of work you’re looking for.
i.e. “Greetings, I’m Rachel Zampino! I’m a WordPress developer looking for freelance opportunities.”
Again, informing people on how they can hire you.
3. Your niche 🎯
Also known as, the type of work that you want to do more of!
Ex: “I craft minimal and sustainable packaging products for eco-friendly brands.”
This helps to attract the specific type of clients you want to work with and weeds out the others.
4. A concise list of your main services 📌
Ex: Label Design, Typesetting, Custom Illustration, Handlettering
Your high-level service offerings, things that people even outside of the design industry will understand.
5. A brief bio 📝
Keep it short and sweet. No one wants to hear your life story, except your mom, and she already knows it.
Brag a little about your work experience, and don’t forget to show some personality!
6. Testimonials! 📢
If you don’t have any, start gathering some NOW. And they don’t always have to come from clients, try reaching out to coworkers or colleagues for feedback.
7. How to start a project with you 🤝
Sending an email is pretty standard, but major bonus points if you create a form that is quick & easy for potential clients to fill out.
Make the barrier to entry as low as possible.
8. Engagement 📲
Share more ways to engage with you.
Add your social links and any other ways to get in contact with you. But remember: quality > quantity.
*This also keeps you top-of-mind on their social feeds, even if they aren’t ready to start a project just yet!

Need help figuring these out?
Feel like you’re stuck inside your own head? 😅 Book a one-on-one session with me!
This post was last updated on July 3, 2024.