Main Headings look like this
*font-family: “Degular Display”, sans-serif;
*font-weight: 800;
*line-height: 1em;
Subheadings Look Like This
*font-family: “Degular Display”, sans-serif;
*font-weight: 800;
*text-transform: capitalize;
*line-height: 1em;
Paragraph text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, italics example adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, underline link example mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
*font-family: “NováMašina”, monospace;
*font-size: 1em;
*font-weight: normal;
*line-height: 1.7em;
*Icon and text are always the same color
*Icon can be aligned left or right
*border-width: 4px;
*padding: 10px 30px;
*Icon and text are always the same color
*Icon can be aligned left or right
*border-width: 4px;
*padding: 10px 30px;
Standard Borders for images and boxes:
*border-radius: 12px;
*border: solid #0B0B0B 6px;
Highlight Borders for iframes, embeds, and widgets:
*border-radius: 15px;
*border: solid #EFDEFF 8px;
Example of an ordered list: